That's just not how citing sources works lol
That's really not relevant unless the user mentioned wrote the article. I'm criticizing the article for not citing sources.
Where in the article did you find that link?
Just saying that someone said something is not citing a source. They taught us this in elementary school.
We're truly living in the golden age of farming sims. I can't even play them all. I might try this one though
Literally 0 sources anywhere and literally invokes 1984
Liberal propaganda is so fucking lazy. Y'all realize this is way closer to what 1984 was actually about right?
“People like you” being the pessimistic people that think nothing will happen.
Charlie brown be like "why are you being so pessimistic she's really holding the football this time"
Harvest Moon 64. Impossible to have negative feelings while playing it.
What are "people like you" exactly?
He's just not going to face any consequences for his actions because he is part of the class which owns this country. Being charged means nothing, he will never see the inside of a cell
I don’t want leftist fanatics
Too bad nerd we're already here and we will cleanse you of your brainworms. Please do not resist.
she still lived with her parents at 24 years old with no ambition other than to live off of others. she proudly stated this. she didn’t work. she had multiple sugar daddies that would financially support her while she would insult them and her customers behind their backs openly to anyone that would listen to her garbage.
Unimaginably based, she is my hero
The way that it isn't cited*