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[–] [email protected] 13 points 12 hours ago

Weird that they're only now determined to do something about a problem that Zuck says has existed all along.

Almost as if the real problem - the thing that's changed between the past and today - isn't the fact of the leaks, but their likely content. As if aligning themselves with a deranged psychopath trying to destroy American liberty, justice and democracy through a campaign of hatred and deceit is likely to lead to leaks that will be too damaging to weasel out of.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

They aren't "failing"at all. By their corrupt standards, 2024 was a resounding success.

They managed to get their establishment hack through the primaries and kept the soft money flowing. Then after the debate debacle, they managed to put off a resolution long enough to tamp down the determination of most of the party, so then, at the eleventh hour, they could jump straight from Biden's withdrawal to Harris's anointment as the candidate and avoid the risk of an open convention and a progressive getting some traction. Then they enjoyed record-breaking fundraising (which is far and away the most important thing to them), then swapped out Harris's notably successful populist rhetoric for mealy-mouthed, transparently corporate-ass-kissing pabulum, which led to her loss, and now will allow the DNC to just sit back and play their age-old game of "well, we'd like to stop the Republicans from destroying your lives, but we're the poor powerless minority, so we just can't, but if you send in your donations now, we can get them out of office in [year of next election]!"

That is, to the DNC, a success on all counts - they kept the soft money flowing, kept the progressives out of office and situated themselves so that they can dodge the blame for harm done to the American people and fundraise and run in the next election merely on the platform of being not-the-Republicans.

[–] [email protected] 59 points 12 hours ago (23 children)

Even this analysis doesn't capture the real problem.

Asserting that the DNC "fails to learn" implies that they have some goal they're not meeting.

They don't.

Their goal is to rake in as much corporate soft money as possible, and by that standard, this past election was a resounding success. And nothing else, including winning elections, matters to them.

So they're not really "failing" at anything. In fact they're succeeding nicely. It's just that they're succeeding at being corrupt, self-serving and deceitful.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 18 hours ago

More Trump projection.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 19 hours ago

And because it's a racist dog whistle.

[–] [email protected] 66 points 1 day ago (1 children)

This has apparently become a new vector for transferring bribes - Trump files a suit, and then the corporation that wants influence pays a "settlement."

[–] [email protected] 110 points 1 day ago (3 children)

In a way, doesn't that mean that it would be more accurate to say that the bot stopped being rogue and went legit?

[–] [email protected] 172 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Seriously - how is it that the American people are being railroaded into autocracy by such a cringey, pathetic bunch of simps and losers?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

"Oh, whoops! Tee hee - ignore that one!"

It's somehow extra disillusioning to watch the US not just being systematically destroyed, but being systematically destroyed by petulant losers, cringe poseurs and blithering nincompoops.

[–] [email protected] 90 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I've been waiting for this particular bit of brazen hypocrisy.

By ignoring precedent in order to issue rulings clearly intended to establish precedents, the wholly corrupt and compromised SC effectively guaranteed that sooner or later, they'd have to do this.

Outside of the warped context of a corrupt and compromised court, it's actually very simple:

Either precedent matters, in which case their Roe ruling, their gratuity ruling, their immunity ruling and a number of others are self-evidently flawed, or precedent doesn't matter, in which case no other court has any duty to consider anything the SC does.

One or the other.

[–] [email protected] 79 points 3 days ago (9 children)

This is the real point of all of this.

Trump and his fascist coattail-riders really couldn't care less about undocumented immigrants. The goal of all of this is simply to make one subset of the proletariat hate another subset of the proletariat, to foment suspicion and distrust, and to condition people to report each other to the authorities.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 days ago

It's unfortunate that the mod devs were so thoroughly fucked over, but their response was perfect.


It's a bit dated since it was written in the wake of Kerry's defeat rather than Harris's, but that aside, it's discouragingly (or cynically amusingly) relevant, and could just as easily have been written today.



I've made no secret of the fact that I think that Biden is and always has been (including in 2020) a weak candidate, and that now is not the time to gamble on a weak candidate, especially after the debate just made him appear that much weaker.

But it just struck me that in the unique and bizarre situation in which we find ourselves - running against a brazen criminal with a stated goal of being a dictator fronting for a group of christofascists who already have a playbook for destroying American democracy - Biden has a built-in advantage as the incumbent.

I don't mean the advantage that incumbents are generally presumed to have (he notably does not have that), but a much simpler and more immediate one.

It's disturbingly likely that if/when Trump loses, his christofascist coattail-riders and his legions of angry, hateful and generally heavily-armed chucklefucks are going to literally go to war. They could well end up making Jan. 6 look like the peaceful protest they insist it was, at least in comparison to the violence and bloodshed they'll potentially unleash should their fuhrer lose.

And at that point, it's going to be much better to not have to deal with a transfer of power - to have a president already in place with a full set of aides and well-established communication channels, and to keep that president in office for as long as it takes to withstand the fascists.

As I said, that just struck me, and I haven't fully analyzed it, but I think it has some merit.

And never in my life did I think that things might reach the point, at least in my lifetime, at which I'd be considering the best strategy to combat an impending bloody fascist coup in the US...

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