These will likely be the first delivered to Ukraine. The Ukranian pilots are still training.
The high frequency sound from these small drones attenuates pretty rapidly. Even without hearing protection and tinnitus, they probably wouldn't hear it from less than 50 meters.
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The Turkish Maritime Administration has released details of the emergency situation in the Black Sea. According to the agency, on October 5, "an explosion occurred" 15-20 meters behind the Turkish-flagged bulk carrier Kafkametler, which was passing by the coast of Romania.
I think the wake must've triggered the mine.
Usually it's just signal loss from trees and such
The pilot unfortunately survived
I found more information and updated the title. It was a Su-35 fighter jet.
There was another aircraft shot down this morning
He's basically saying they were playing with grenades while high on cocaine.
There are plans. However, it wouldn't be done until the 2030's and there's pushback from environmentalists who want to restore the wetlands that existed before it was built.