God, the Manticore skin is so good.
Oh man, unrelated, but posting's been SUPER annoying, getting errors, not being able to view my own posts while signed in unless I directly link them to myself, and comments not showing up unless I do the same. Unless something weird happened in my settings lol
And that means we're ever so slightly closer to Monster Hunter too.
Finally cleared the event shop, feels good.
Love this lil series.
I'm gonna be a bit unorthadox, but Carkol. It's so weirdly goofy in an adorable way.
Not sure how I feel about the ranking of the RG35XX compared to the MM+ (or how they called the RG35XX weak when it can emulate some DS and PSP through Koriki). Also, the 351V higher than the 353V? Tf?
That's why I went with Kbin, didn't want to use software made by them.
Not the worst old autodeploy I had, though this was a bit after my dumb ass tried the first stage of Break the Ice.
for low end phones
This post itself, it errored when I posted but still went through, but I had to open kbinmeta/newest in an incognito tab to see it.