Or just let the US know that if they're gonna tamper with your F35s you'll put one F35 in a box and ship it to China. They'll have a copy ready by next year and software cracked within the week
If I may offer a few suggestions:
The horse head and flame nabulae are a bit too close to the top of the image. Generally when you're imaging two interesting things you should keep them about the same distance from the center of your frame.
Also, the Orion nebula is a but blown out/overexposed.
See if you can use the same data to stretch that part a bit less, then layer it on top of the correctly exposed top part, so that everything appears correctly exposed.
Good detail on everything overall, gj
Yeah not like AMD having GPUs with an ssd slot on them for years or anything
Yeah that will definitely improve efficiency
If they had let us open Hunter's laptop it would be pretty evident that this is all Obama's fault!
Russia has a different approach to the problem: Very aggressive jamming. Sure, you can see them before they can see you, but those missiles are gonna be much less effective at tracking and destroying targets.
Stealth is being as quiet as possible, Russian jets are so damn "loud" that you don't know which target is the real one.
Once within range for a more traditional dogfight it's basically a coin toss, mostly down to the pilots and the reliability of the plane's hardware.
Musk could give away a billion dollars a week for the rest of his life and never drop from the forbes list. (Considering how his personal net worth has basically never decreased over time). He doesn't care about money anymore, once you go beyond a certain point you just stay there, no matter what fucked up shit you say or do.
He could appear on live TV tomorrow sodomizing 10 human toddlers and nothing would happen to him.
Threatening him with money will just not work. Ever. Unless we set up guillotines for ultra rich assholes this will only get worse, especially now that Trump and Musk showed their peers that laws don't matter anymore.
But have they tried Brawndo, the thirst mutilator? It's got electrolytes!
The US can remotely disable them whenever they damn well please anyway, and can not be trusted not to.
Everyone should be canceling their orders immediately, and disable the remote access capabilities to the ones they have.
The first of many decisions that recognize only three fifths of some people's worth
A repairable Chromebook basically. I'd rather get the 13 chassis with the older mainboard and a touch screen, or have the 12 natively dual boot android if they can pull that off
The green one with the triangular face can actually fly