TIL: Musk can't do basic maths
Inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, sounds like someone else we all know.
Hasn't he suffered enough. I mean, he's driving a 'gold cybertruck'
I wonder if he's already working on the next one for when this one ages-out.
PLEASE tell me this is real!!
Cowards and slower to be a coward than Google. What, they spend time choosing the right font? They certainly didn’t wait to see what the public reaction was and make a decision based on that. It’s one thing to be fist at doing something like that, it’s much much worse to follow a company’s obviously bad idea. F U Apple.
I assume they'll be taking July 4th out too because of how Native Americans feel about it. .... Probably not.
You can just hear in Musk's head. "Good boy Donny. Be a good little president. Just do as you're told. Good good boy".
Is this from The Great British Bake Off? Could well be from what they've done before.
So.... More concentration camps?
I'm guessing he didn't get a Valentine's Day Card from Musk, he blamed it being 'lost in the post' (even through he didn't send one because the love is all one-sided in that relationship) and The Grand High Orange One is destroying the post office out of spite.