Closing the straits was not technically an act of war, and a preemptive strike (like Israel's) means you start a war first, no matter which way you look at it.
Sure - the 6 Day War was initiated by Israel, which then seized territory in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, and Sinai Peninsula.
This is illegal under international law, particularly according to United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, which Israel has managed to successfully ignore ever since.
There's also the right-wing obsession with "grooming" and protecting kids from "sexualization". It happened with gay people 50 years ago and now it's trans peoples' turn.
That's an incredibly reductive oversimplification. The modern state of Israel exists due to the political Zionist movement which began in the 19th C and the sympathy for the Jewish people following Nazi Germany's eugenicist attempt to wipe them out.
A couple of millennia before that, you had the conflicts of the competing tribes and civilizations in the Fertile Crescent, which resulted in the Jewish diaspora.
Religion has typically been weaponized to justify one group of people taking control of resources and land from another, but it has rarely been the root cause per se.
“I don’t hate these people, man,” Yarbrough said.
Oh, but you do, buddy. You do.
Despite what Israeli propaganda would have you believe, the current "war" did not begin all of a sudden with the Oct 7th attacks, and there was no "permanent ceasefire" in place at that time.
Israel has been illegally occupying Palestinian territory since 1967 (ignoring the fact the latter were ousted from their homeland in 1948, when the modern state of Israel was formed) and has oppressing and ethnic cleansing these areas ever since. The Oct 7th retaliation just spurred on the Netanyahu government to try and finish the job in Gaza once and for all.
Right. Like, why would anyone pay a subscription for that?
Edit: I think I get it now:
Those who buy the MC02 get a year for free, after which they’ll pay around $20/€15/£13 each month (discounted if paid annually) to access a handful of services, including email, a VPN (dubbed “Digital Nomad”), online synchronization for calendar and contacts, secure storage on Punkt’s own Swiss servers and the express promise that there will be no ads or third-party crawlers.
So you can access cloud services without being tied to Google, I suppose. Still, the value proposition is questionable.
I don't get the use case. What does it offer over getting an old phone and sticking LineageOS on it?
It seems like Israel don't just take their military equipment from the U.S. but also their treatment of non-combatants. Abu Ghraib, anyone?
I agree and I think all the issues I personally had with the film were related to the editing and the pacing, even though I did enjoy it overall.
It's funny you should mention LotR, because I personally feel that a 3.5 hour extended version would fix a lot of the problems with pivotal scenes not being given enough explanation and other key scenes being cut. Even though they did well to squeeze a lot of stuff into 2hr45, it did often feel too rushed.
Sadly, Denis has said or more than one occasion that he doesn't do alternative cuts of his films, so we'll just have to make do with what we've got.
Brave move from Glazer, definitely. You could see his hands shake as he read his speech.
And LosslessCut is a ffmpeg frontend, so that checks out.