Little Brother I think.
Cory Doctorow has a solution: put some pebbles in your shoes, that will change the way you walk right away.
Yes, and babies too.
100%! But the research is still vital, and we should be doing more of it while being way more aggressive about carbon reduction.
I disagree only on a technicality - economics still matter for decision making, in the minds of people who are in power of making those decisions. Otherwise yeah, things are past the point of no return. Mitigation is all we can hope to do I think.
I suspect there will be a point where economics don't matter anymore and we don't have a choice.
You got to offset your offsets, man! 7:00, 7:06, 7:12, 7:18, 7:24.
I need a paralegal to show me where they went wrong!
Spontan fällt mir da nur ein, zu schauen ob es einen Übersetzungsdienst gibt der da vermitteln kann?
Oh man, sounds rough. But I'm sure he makes up for it by being a good cat :)
Just pretend you wrote it in Swiss German and you're good!