
joined 2 years ago

Yes campaigners get baited by bad-faith provocations, while some in the no camp point directly to this online madness confusing the too-time-poor-for-politics

The Indigenous voice to parliament proposal is not a secret UN plot to steal Australian land. It is not a proposal for a “third chamber of parliament”. It is also not a conspiracy to stop dairy farming, impose “backdoor communism”, force people to listen to rap music or start a new religion … though I have been told all these things on social media this past fortnight.

Welcome to Disinformania; Australia, you’re standing in it.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

@SteveTech tells you what the church's priorities really are :(

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

@spittingimage the guardian articles are never paywalled.


[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

@unionagainstdhmo What exactly do they think will happen if their players come out? Lost sponsership deals? Not bloody likely! So it's just cowardice.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

@LineNoise jesus christ. How many more women have to die because of bigoted, useless cops?

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

@Mountaineer How much would it cost the state or federal government to buy it and power it up? Chickenfeed.

[–] 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

@CurlyWurlies4All yeah, he can fuck right off now

[–] 6 points 2 years ago

@AnxiousGnome I admit to being shocked at him claiming the government has reacted with glee. They just have not. Anything but.

He just has no bottom at all :(


The education minister, Jason Clare, said opposition leader Peter Dutton had shown “all the empathy of a rock” in responding to Robodebt.

Clare told Sky News:

The fact that Peter Dutton on the day that this came down, went straight to politics showed that this bloke doesn’t get it. It’s not about that. It’s about Jennifer [Miller]. It’s about people like her. You know, a number of people lost their live others tried to take their own life, ended up in hospital and they’re still dealing with that. That’s the real human consequence of this. And that should always be kept in mind here.

I'd say that a rock would have shown more sympathy to the victims than a potato


Queensland mum alleges doctor wrongly told her she may have miscarried via letter as Caboolture Hospital faces litany of complaints.

Missed or wrong diagnoses, botched surgeries, and a death certificate balls up no one gives a damn about.

Not the high standard we should be able to expect from a major regional hospital:(

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

@lordriffington 10/10 :) I spend too much time on the internet!


[–] 6 points 2 years ago

@Metaright "Until both sides start addressing each other's actual arguments"

Really, no.

The entire anti-abortion thing has been wrought from nothing, for the express purpose of working up conservative voters. Like the anti-drag thing, the anti-'woke' thing, etc.

The 'actual' argument on the forced birther side comes down to whether a person capable of being pregnant has bodily autonomy. That side completely denies this. You simply can't have a rational argument with people who want you dead, injured, or tied to a life with children you don't want and/or can't afford. Who think scooping out a clump of cells with no independent thought or existence is worse than an 8 year old being forced to bear a child to term, an adult dying of sepsis or giving birth to a 'baby' incapable of survival or a life free from pain and severe disability.

Their argument basically comes down to "Kinder, Küche, Kirche". Keep women barefoot, pregnant, and uneducated.

Don't you dare to try and both sides this.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

@Metaright "The way to sway a pro-lifer, then, is to demonstrate that a fetus doesn't have personhood."

No, first you have to persuade them that the life of the fetus bearer is worth something more than being an incubator.

Which you will never do.

People who are anti-abortion fanatics may or may not believe that a fetus is a baaaaaby, really. But what they really do not believe in is the personhood of the placenta owner.

And until you find a way to convince them that a real, living, breathing human being with feelings and rights who already exists independently has rights, including that to life unburdened by an unwanted pregnancy for any reason, you won't convince them of anything else.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

@xuxebiko buy NFTs, of course :)


Inspired by this earlier post, where do you get your news? I refuse to read the Courier Mail, obvious the Brisbane reddit is NBG now, the Brisbane Times is a Fairfax rag and has much more southern content than Queensland, and very little truly Brisbane reporting.

Facebook groups are a mess, either being media owned, run by tow truck operators, or full of self-promotion. I follow Moreton council for council info, but that only gets you so far?

So where do I get the real gen?


Footage of the altercation appears to show an officer hitting the driver while he was inside a vehicle

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