Sounds like projection. Accuse others, rightfully so, of the crimes yourself are committing.
She has never been right, SHE alone is the reason we have to contend with Trump.
"Everything she touches she screws up with hubris"
Colin Powell
There has been no facts, only conjecture
Except in your bad up scenario, neighbor 1 provided the matches to neighbor 2.
YOU have 2 choices, neither of them is on list list. Theres a larger chance of you voting republican than me voting for either
Dems provided the drill to the republicans
Shes more corrupt then the lot of them combined
I understand how elections work, I also understand that voters have zero impact on policy or legislation. Thats a privilege reserved for the monied class.
I love when liberals scream 'whataboutism' then invoke Trump in every conversation critical of Biden
The thing is republicans dont have to cheat, the blue wing of fascism gives them everything they want. In rhetoric they are Pelosi ripping up her copy of Trumps SOTU, In action that very same day she gave him his requested military budget and threw in a few billion extra for good measure.
You are already a second class citizen to the US government. In this country you either have money or you dont. Anyone without it is treated as a second class citizen, and has no representation in government.
Let it burn and maybe democrats will finally see they are contributing to the rightward fascism we are experiencing.
A 3rd party vote is not a protest vote, a protest vote is one cast against something, the way Democrats do.