
joined 6 months ago

Includes a variety of statistics on the size, time, and nature of massacres, as well as an interactive map


Interesting video specifically on the disappointing state of public transport in India. Major takeaways for me:

  • Many Indian cities are investing in (expensive and flashy) metros, which are posting disappointing ridership numbers, but
  • Most Indian commuters are travelling distances short enough that biking or using rickshaws are quicker
  • India's metros are significantly more expensive for riders than other methods of transport
  • Bus fleets in Indian cities aren't growing, while their populations are expanding rapidly
  • Traffic engineers/policymakers suffering from carbrain (sound familiar?)

Interesting watch, I'd say, as a non-Indian who doesn't see much content about the world's most populous country posted much

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago

The onions, he noted, “were tasty.”

Would love to get into the head of the editor who decided to include this line


Derby, CT is a small, working-class, post-industrial town with a population which has been stagnant at about 12,000 for more than six decades.

The geniuses over at the Connecticut DOT decided that this obviously meant that the town's Main Street needed to be widened, by twice the size, destroying a number of historic buildings and uprooting numerous small community businesses in the process. That red stripe on the far left of the "After" pic is the new edge of the street.


archive.vn link

In a race that attracted statewide attention, Jacobson's victory comes a day after a Figueroa aide was condemned for calling him "an Israeli lawyer", and the same day the DCC unearthed a video of Figueroa saying that "We cannot permit a person who is of Jewish origin, of Jewish origin, to represent our community".

A close ally of Figueroa, David Michel, also lost his primary yesterday.