MTG is a demon in a skin suit. So is Kristi Noem.
It's the eyes.
MTG is a demon in a skin suit. So is Kristi Noem.
It's the eyes.
Ubisoft is just getting more comfortable with not owning studios.
No thanks to Vincent D’onofrio who is an atrocious actor.
exfuckingscuse me?
You seen Full Metal Jacket? I'm not here to debate the voice work in D2 but them's fightin' words.
I mean, Timeshift with BTRFS is pretty robust. I use it with Linux Mint, couldn't be happier.
yeah I just figured I'd prattled on long enough. I've watched enough documentaries on WWII and the holocaust to know how it started, and I'm fucking terrified.
yeah I reckon we're about to see, after the deportations of immigrants and the sudden labor shortage caused by it, a lot of other Americans who are also considered "undesirables" being voluntold to get busy pickin' or get busy dying. We already force our prisoners to do slave labor, and you know what a hate-boner Republicans have for prisoners -- how do you think that stacks up against their hate boner for trans people? gay people? Or, why, just anyone who doesn't "vote correctly"?
I see we have a true connoisseur of siege weaponry in our midst.
And this is what'll make eggs cheaper, right?
a password so nice you have to enter it twice
what the other guy said. Send it to the media if it was a national scandal, it'll be extra spicy.
yeah, send that to his superiors and watch the fireworks.
I used to joke, back in his first term, about going back in time about twenty years from 2018, and trying to convince someone you're from the future.
If you're from the future, who's the next president, then?
Bush's son.
No, George Jr. Twice.
JUNIOR?! That fucking moron got elected?! And what about after him?
Our first black president, Barack Hussein Obama from Illinois.
... The American voting public elected a black man called Barack Hussein Obama? You gotta be fucking with me.
Nope. Two terms, too.
Suuure. And who was after him? A woman?
No, Donald Trump.
Oh fuck off you're not from the future, you're just a loon.