Gaza is not a state, it does not have any of the rights normal countries have, it’s an open-air prison managed by Israel. And it is currently under naval blockade by Israel, so even if Gaza was a state it would still be a war crime.
No food, no water, no power, please explain to me how this is not genocide.
Es muss ja mittlerweile klar sein das es nicht um Effizienz oder Kosten/Nutzen geht, es ist einfach reine Ideologie. Auto über alles.
Covid 2 electric boogaloo?
If remote control doesn’t work anymore it’s time to roll out the fully automated AI killer drones that hunt down anything that moves. Nothing can go wrong, surely nothing can go wrong…
But one side lives in suburbs and the other in an open-air prison, without medical supplies, under permanent drone surveillance, oh and every 5 years all the buildings get flattened.
What is happening to the Uyghur population in China is probably very bad and it should be condemned, but why do these articles always use Adrian Zenz as the main source, a religious fundamentalist nut job. First he was an “expert” on Tibet, and when that went out of the news suddenly he is an “expert” on Uyghurs. He has been caught multiple times for completely making up stuff or overly exaggerating stories, and still the New York Times takes him serious.
Very big weapons-of-mass-destruction vibe.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
With large language models it will basically be a technocratie of prompt hackers, which are at least humans and thus have a stake in Humanity.
I think AI experts would probably prefer to be ruled by a large language model than by a general AI that adheres to Asimov’s laws.
This man is a complete joke, I knew people that worked at the ministry of finance when he was minister, all he cared about was his image and at almost every opportunity he took the worst decision on the table.
You are talking about ethnic cleansing here my friend. Making a situation so hostile and violent that a population needs to flee their homeland.