I counted 24 office chairs. TWENTY FOUR. Why in the conference hell. lol
Whoa, there must have been a blow out sell on office chairs. Who needs normal chairs when you can have an office chair?!
Also, no central heat and air, window units... In that massively hot tin box.
Also I forgot to mention the floor to wall carpeting.
Man this place has it all! What a steal! lol
edit: I totally missed it, but did anyone clock the gigantic quilt sewing machine in slide 34?
Sounds like that's the way I'll have to go. Unfortunate, I hate increased layers of complexity, but I think that's the move.
Looks delicious.
edit: love the negative prompt "head tattoos" lol
edit2: wait how many legs does that thing have?
Yeah when I worked at BioWare we would do things gradually, then I moved to EA Mobile and staging and testing was like a foreign concept. It was wild. Fortunately that changed, but having a staging instance is really really important, as I'm sure many people now realize. Sometimes lessons are hard. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ooo a pihole! That's on the list.
For that, you actually will need realistic goals and more competent managers. Lol
When I started working at EA 14 years ago (I got laid off last year) they literally told us we might have to sleep under our desks. I promptly told them if that was the case, I would quit. Instead they made us work 7 days a week 9-9 for months. Fun job.
What you don't want to go to "X"? I can't imagine why. lol /s same though. Also I refuse to call it x. It's fucking Twitter. It's like that line in mean girls, "Gretchen, quit trying to make fetch happen, it's not going to happen!" Lol
Woohoo!! This awesome! As a game dev, I can speak to how awful the industry can be. That's really great news that they unionized. 🙌
It sounds exactly like a Microsoft fix.
You don't have to, did you see one of the last pictures? It's completely unfinished and you can see the wiring. Romex running everywhere. x. x