@specterspectre @michael_palmer or maybe a Huawei P5 pro
@specterspectre @michael_palmer also Samsung Galaxy A70, however, it is critical that I don't leave it unusable since it's essential for my work
@specterspectre @michael_palmer can you find an official custom ROM of LineageOS for Nokia X or Alcatel Pixi 4 (4")?
@cm0002 eh, does that mean I can't anymore tweak my Lumia? Fuck (yes I still have a Lumia, even many years after their death, it is still my best phone, android can't compete, an android, and I mean all of them, lags like hell on 2Gb RAM, the Lumia runs super smoothly with 1 Gb RAM)
@AndrewZabar in 2024, you just yay -S nvidia-inst && nvidia-inst & everything works so they are no longer a problem
@bleistift2 @addie Wayland will be the only display server, it's impossible to deny it, for example KDE defaults to Wayland & Gnome is 100% detached from X11, the deletion of X11 is coming in the future
plus, X11 is full of spaghetti code and no one, and I mean no one, supports it anymore, Wayland came to correct that, plus if you have a laptop with a hybrid GPU, you must switch manually between for example Nvidia & Intel, on Wayland everything is done automatically, etc
@AndrewZabar using EndeavourOS, for example, searching how to install the Nvidia drivers, you can find old results such as installing nvidia-dkms.... yay -S nvidia-dkms, that could have been useful 3 years ago but now it breaks the display, you should instead yay -S nvidia-inst && nvidia-inst & everything will work perfectly
@naonintendois @craigcorbin catching up? From what I heard, Linux surpassed winlol in gaming for certain titles, but yes, if you take the average, there's still a gap, and it's becoming smaller and smaller
@specterspectre eh, I'm not a developer, plus, tuto like this takes time that I hardly find