Times change, and people are slow. 'Colored people' used to be the most PC, now it's an insult. Because it could, in any old fart's brain, be either the most PC thing or an insult, you never know if the person is doing so intentionally or not, which sucks because:
- if someone uses it unintentionally and people jump on them, that just makes them bitter
- someone who is racist can use not knowing as a smoke screen
- people who are really "with it" on social issues can also be quick to blame, and low on tolerance, and high on trauma or virtue signaling.
..the divide just grows until people resolve it inside themselves.
fwiw, I'm now pretty darn happy with Linux and gaming. Granted, I use Steam, so there's that.
There are issues sometimes, but I just keep a copy of windows around for windows-only things. Generally, Linux "just works" for me, but I've also learned to just skip it when something requires too much involvement to get working.