
joined 2 years ago
Eclipse traffic (

Eclipse traffic

11AM: None to speak of. Bypass is empty. Memorial Stadium lot has a few dozen cars and a couple of groups with tents and tripods, and one security truck sitting on the trail making sure no bikers can get through 🙄 A couple of parties in my 'hood judging from the cars. More people than usual walking around.

#eclipse @bloomington_in


Light at Dunn and the Bypass now has walk timing for every green

I sent the mayor a note of appreciation for moving the Hawthorne greenway forward, and I sent the city bike coordinator a note of appreciation for the new semiprotected bike lanes on 3rd Street, so I wonder if they're getting tired now of my notes of appreciation

#BikeTooter @bloomington_in


Tesla That Killed Driver Was Airborne During High-Speed Collision

"the car actually hit the top of a tree along Atwater before coming to a stop around the intersection of Atwater and South Eastside Drive, according to police. The damage to the tree can still be seen on the other side of a memorial at the base of the first tree the vehicle hit as it caught air."



Meeting on the High Street multiuse path

It should be interesting, especially after the enthusiastic discussion about the Second Street redesign a few months ago. Will the High Street residents be as excited?

@bloomington_in #cycling


One of my favorite restaurants, Bangkok Thai, will be open special on Eclipse Day (they're usually closed on Mondays.) Visit if you're coming to @bloomington_in that day! #eclipse


A new book from an alumni of the first Little 500 women's race

“Willkie Sprint” chronicles that historic school year, as Hellmuth joins the team of the same name (an homage to their dorm, Willkie Residence Hall) trains with and befriends her teammates, and participates in 100 grueling laps on race day to become the first-ever Little 500 women’s champions in 1988."

I lived in Willkie that year. No memory of the race at all though.

@bloomington_in #cycling #Little500


Amazing stained glass at Ellettsville First Baptist @bloomington_in


Doc Searls on Bloomington

Featuring @chronicallydave and the Bloomington Chronicle. The Chronicle seems redundant to Bloomingpedia though.



From @chronicallydave : The Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County has worked with the Indiana University Center for Survey Research to put together a survey of residents about the ways they currently get their news and how they wish it were better.

The Community Foundation is doing the work to sort out what big piles of funding might be available through various philanthropic sources to help shape a better future for local news.



They're extending the B-Line up to 17th Street this summer, which is pretty great. Sure wish they'd work on the North Dunn path though!

#cycling #trails



Bloomington considers long-term extension of Kirkwood outdoor dining program

"Officials want to bolster the Expanded Outdoor Dining Program, which typically closes two-and-a-half blocks to drivers for a few months each year. The program began in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and has been continued each year since."

Kirkwood is so much nicer without cars.



Possum peeking over the wall at the biology greenhouse like he's Charlie Brown


[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (6 children)


Wendy also thinks bumpouts are more dangerous than not having them and that the neighborhood beauty will be ruined.

The amount of time people can talk when you give them a chance!

Jeff Richardson disapproves of the process, although he says he's pro-greenway. Did they do the project to avoid losing out on federal dollars? Complains about another intersection and thinks we should deal with other safety issues first before building.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (7 children)


Greg also thinks the process is broken, but because rich people are overrepresented.

(Missed the name) she complains about the process and feels that a fast one was pulled on them. Thinks bikers have sufficient accommodations as is, and there are hardly any cars anyway. Then something about annexation and the former administration.

Wendy says she can't bike anymore - hate when people say that. Doesn't know if poor people cycle. Will this project really increase safety?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (8 children)


Councilmember Dave Rollo speaks about how this is an unneeded greenway and is too expensive. Disapproves of narrow lanes. Thinks the process is broken.

Claims the existing greenways are decrepit - true if you count everyplace where there's a biking sign as a greenway. Wants the council to have final say over greenway projects.

Greg Alexander says drivers go too fast when he bikes with his kids - but feels much safer on a greenway.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

@MSgtRedFox @FlyingSquid @Alto @Fedizen @Gingerlegs @the_q @NocturnalMorning @iamanurd @ScottStarkey @givesomefucks @happybadger Obvious first step would be to pass the compromise bill that Sinema and Lankford worked so hard on.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

@chronicallydave @bloomington_in It would have been nice to get *some* policy discussion, after Thomson spent the whole campaign talking in these same vague generalities. I'm assuming that she won't start implementing the Republican statehouse agenda, at least.

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