
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

@benfulton @bloomington_in I think that a skywalk connecting a hotel to an adjacent convention center is a logical thing to have if the city is not going to provide a safe pedestrian connection across a four-lane road. There do not appear to be any pedestrian-oriented businesses at that intersection.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

@thenewred @jesterkun It's journalistic malpractice for the op-ed to not link to the text.

Here's the summary:
Here's the raw amendment:

Basically, it takes district-drawing power away from elected officials, giving it to a panel of 15 people screened by a bipartisan panel of retired judges. Then there's a whole lot of detail on how to draw maps and ensure that it's valid.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

@krolden @halcyondays Your "pretty sure" is correct; see PDF page 48 of under Section 3780.35.

But I can find nothing in the text of the law about fees of $180,000 for application for any of the licenses described in the law. Where did you get that figure from?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

@krolden @Deconceptualist The failed 2015 initiative in would have granted an actual monopoly to 10 facilities to grow #marijuana,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2015)#Marijuana_Growth.2C_Cultivation_and_Extraction_.28MGCE.29_facilities — actively shutting out existing businesses

The successful 2023 initiative does not grant any monopolies:,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2023)#Text_of_measure — it sets up an open licensing scheme where anyone can apply to grow and sell, and it sets up jobs and equity funds to give money back to #Ohio communities.


Based on the last few weeks, it looks like fewer people use the hashtag #ColumbusOH compared to #Columbus, even though that drags in stuff about #Georgia and mentions of the Italian. @ohio