This will not stand, this aggression against Wayne.
Oh my god, I was terrified of that headline. Hopefully all their countermeasures prevail and the art is spared.
Can't get any more credible than that. 😎
Most Padacubs are crepuscular.
Man, that is so depressing to read though.
I can only imagine that the writers at The Onion are going insane because they just can't compete with reality anymore.
Treewave sounds like a fucking vibe.
I feel like Asimov's statement has to be couched in some larger discussion. Taken in a vacuum, I can see some merit, but I can't say that I completely agree with it. Incompetent in what aspect? I feel that his quote ignores intention. For some, violence isn't something that they're resorting to due to a failure to communicate through conflict, it is the preferred tool for the job. He comes off a little condescending and armchair intellectual-y here. I prefer the Sun Tzu quote someone mentioned earlier in the thread, "Violence is a precipitation of two sides unwilling to compromise."
Please don't break Toastify again. Please...
Brown rice/quinoa bowl with some rotisserie chicken and veg. Some undressed super greens on the side. Really been enjoying having a Doctor Goodwin (Dr. Pepper analog) Olipop with dinner. Really caps the meal off nicely.