
joined 2 years ago
[–] canadaduane 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I appreciate your question, but I think "we know" is problematic:

  • who is "we"?
  • how do we "know"?
  • can some people know one thing while others know the opposite?

I'm not trolling, either, just asking questions from a philosophical point of view. I've changed my mind about several things I took very seriously and thought I was 100% right about. Could others be dealing with similar changing-mind-through-time processes? Could you?

[–] canadaduane 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I get that. I've helped contribute to Pop!_OS in the past and thought I'd give it an early run. I'm just surprised that the packaged apps are so slow. When I ran them 6 months ago, they loaded so quickly I was shocked (<50ms).

I'm not sure if it's my system, or the (new) state of the apps.

[–] canadaduane 1 points 11 months ago

Wolf in sheep's clothing

[–] canadaduane 3 points 1 year ago

I just ran cosmic-edit and was shocked at how quickly it loads. Must be ~30ms between selecting it and it's fully loaded.

[–] canadaduane 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Very interesting. Do you have any more info about the relationship between 1080p/60hz and battery? It sounds intuitively true, I'd just like to learn more.

[–] canadaduane 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

Very nice! I was just looking at reviews on this. Really nice machine in every way, except maybe for the camera, and minor points off for the display being "only" 1080p. I have a lovely framework 13", but am jealous of the Lemur's battery life.

[–] canadaduane 1 points 1 year ago
[–] canadaduane 1 points 1 year ago

I don't know when they mark releases, but it's still under active development.

[–] canadaduane 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

From "Verissimus", a comic about the Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius: (my apologies for the first two pages being out of order).

There is a section about the Greek philosopher, Epictetus', teachings about anger. My favorite two are "Being unlike your enemies is the best form of revenge," and "Goodwill is a virtue, the opposite of revenge, the desire to help rather than harm our fellow man. So replace your anger with its antidote: kindness."

[–] canadaduane 17 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I read this as "buying clubs". Like, buy clubs and hit stuff. My first take was "Ah, the violent revolutionary type." :)

[–] canadaduane 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is the case for me as well. I tried NixOS this weekend, and even though it has more adoption than Guix, it still does not have 100% coverage of all software I wanted. That said, the packages I did install were pretty up-to-date. I guess NixOS is as close to "critical mass" as we've got when it comes to this type of OS. But if I were a wizard devops type person with more time, I'd probably enjoy Guix more.

[–] canadaduane 8 points 1 year ago

Given encouragement to try tmux, here is what I've come up with as a "one-liner" (script) that does what I was originally looking for:


tmux new-session -d -s split_screen_grep \; \
  send-keys "/bin/sh -c '$1' | tee /tmp/split_screen_grep.txt" C-m \; \
  split-window -h \; \
  select-pane -t 1 \; \
  send-keys "tail -f /tmp/split_screen_grep.txt | grep '$2'" C-m \;

tmux attach-session -t split_screen_grep

I use it as follows, first arg is a command, second arg is a pattern to search for:

$ ./split-grep "cat big_file.txt" "tmux"
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