first off, not all of them like being called "it" or "trap"
Oh my bad, I didn't realize I was talking to someone of your intelligence.
barbarian was just the word romans to describe non-romans. It's simply roman propoganda to call any tribes that weren't roman barbarians. The implication that their customs were somehow cruel compared to modern standards is also way off base. It's simply a way to dismiss a people and a culture because it's not your own, which if you ask me is pretty fucking barbaric.
I bet destroying all that straw felt great.
$18.50 is all they can offer? They can indeed fuck right on off. In this economy?
That's where lots of people go men and return women. So I'm assuming Italy is also great for GCS for trans men
Idk why we don't just build 2 story schools but I'm not an architect
Pretty leftist my dude. Embrace it
Don't be. Hot is hot. Women can have muscles too
Used to wrangle carts and I didn't mind the carts that weren't returned to the corral that much, but I did greatly prefer it when they were at least hiked up onto a planter curb so they don't roll away.
should be labeled tankies but yea