I am who I am
Yeah, me too as well
Of course it does
I personally find the armies of people saying “you’re not allowed to say that” are generally worse than the people saying the thing that started it.
We seem to be increasingly falling into a trap of content being filtered and “made safe” for Adults as if we’re children.
For real. Like why can't I call white people "cumskin devil" and "crackers" at work as a joke? Truly our society has gone le WOKE.
Who will betray us? Social Democrats.
I could give a damn, but you know, it's an overall race to the bottom
Now, with such policy, as long as medical costs stay low and medical facilities improve, with more investment, surely there should be some improvement (after all, we all live in first-class countries, unlike China or Russia)
the bigger issue lies in that most prominent media outlets are owned by the same billionaires that are bankrolling the two parties. No third (or fourth, fifth, etc) will have chance in hell at gaining ground in the current media climate because they will immediately be scrubbed and erased from the narrative.
I couldn't agree more...
This, in the American community, is what we call "the gusano phenomenon", from Indochina and China, to Afghanistan, to Cuba and Nicaragua
It is the phenomenon of attracting historically anti-communist, yet generally pro-western, emigres into your land, who may or may not have been part of the former ruling class (eg. think small business, pro-west military collaborators, compradors) and thus have their individual, if not collective material interest in opposing their country's new government, (which the U.S likely opposes)
In addition, they make good foot soldiers and lobbying voices against any internal domestic progressive opposition
This sort of politics is not an aberration, this is cold war migrant policy, worked over time (and believe it or not, the cold war did not end, it merely froze and defrosted)
For examples, look at Falun Gong
Third parties already exist and you can see how viable they are. The FPTP spoiler effect isn’t going away any time soon.
Well... if the issue of slavery was central to the development of the Republican Party, and the working class struggles of Europe led to the creation of Labour and SocDem Parties in Europe
There is a slim chance, that by precedent, one breaking issue could widen up, as to create a new political party that swallows up and destroys one of the moribund parties, through its absorption of its former key constituencies
(though it must take advantage of the power vacuum fully) (emphasis on the term 'slim', to refer to 1%)
Heck, we could follow Canada, and have it so that America relies on multi-partisan coalitions, rather than Dems, Reps, or even both alone
Then, again, Idk Americans, so mindlessly downvote me if ye want...
Nothing in life is ever so permanent...
Here's the source of saying that in GMA news, a Filipino news site and channel:
She also "theoretically" threatened to throw president Bongbong's father's corpse into the sea
Why is she doing stuff like this, you ask?
Cuz Bongbong's making an China-hawk policy, regarding the West Philippine Sea claims
Do you just come here to troll here? Fine, then consider it that you've won in your mind.