
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Don't worry, it's not gonna be a long until Chiqui Mafia presents the new "el producto": a 65 team tournament combining 1st and 2nd division to form the Argentine Supreme League.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

They still wouldn't be as bad as the first group. In fact, before he started playing for the NT, Poland was 22nd in 2007, 24th in 2006, 22nd in 2005, and so on... The hovered around 20-30 the decade before him. Their average ranking since 1992 is 35.

So not really. They would be a bit worse on average, and likely wouldn't have reached their best rankings which were with him. But their "typical team" historically has been significantly better than the most of the teams I mentioned above.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yeah but if you look closer Poland is ranked 30 in the FIFA Rankings (I know, but as an approximation it works) and these are the goals and the current ranking of the other teams (I know, they weren't the same before, but just as a guide):

6 vs San Marino (207)

5 vs Romania (47)

4 vs Armenia (91)

4 vs Andorra (153)

3 vs Montenegro (68)

3 vs Denmark (18)

2 vs Kazakhstan (100)

1 vs Albania (62)

1 vs Sweden (23)

1 vs Hungary (32)

He scored 18 against teams significantly worse than Poland (San Marino, Armenia, Andorra, Kazakhstan) and then other 9 vs teams that are worse even if it's closer (Romania, Montenegro, Albania).

You play whoever you get to play. Not shitting on him. But Poland being unimpressive is on the context of the Top UEFA teams, but the most goals came vs teams that are much weaker.

And again, not shitting on Lewa, all top players score more on worse teams, so did Cristiano, Leo, Suarez, etc.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

He touches the ref, the ref says something which is fair to assume was something like don't touch me, and the dude does it again not one, but twice more...

Players can be braindead.

I think all refs should give yellows to any player that touches them. Players should respect them more.

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