agreed. especially since most end users don't pay attention to things like license updates
F-droid sign their releases themselves instead of letting the Signal Foundation sign them
they do sign releases themselves, however:
We also support reproducible builds, so we can build a version from source and check against your official release. If they match (ignoring the signature) we can then publish your official APK with your signature used. This is a tedious task, since we have to standardize on the build parameters and tools, but it should be worth it in the long run.
can someone paste the article text please?
this reads exactly like satire lmao
To a bemused driver with several sandwiches wrapped in tin foil who asked if he could maybe surrender the meat and keep just the bread, one customs officer replied: “No, everything will be confiscated. Welcome to the Brexit, sir, I’m sorry.”
probably has something to do with this:
apparently signal checks for play services even when you download the .apk from their site