I am burning down private schools in the dead of night.
Be the change you want to see in the world, don't let your dreams stay dreams.
I am burning down private schools in the dead of night.
Be the change you want to see in the world, don't let your dreams stay dreams.
More varied sizes indeed - I've got a 48" chest and a 36" waist with a 30" leg. Nothing fits properly.
Once they stopped working at Twitter, they stopped existing to him.
aka "Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm."
It just feels wrong to me to take the paycheck and not put my heart into the work.
I felt the same way, until after the second corporate buyout. The company I started with my career with is gone, the company that bought them is gone, and the company that bought them is gone as well. The product I worked on for six years is gone and the company website only exists in the internet archive and a few archived press releases.
I put my heart into it and it's just.. gone entirely.
It's one of the last times I put my heart into my work, because all that happened in the long run is the board of directors got more wealthy.
The subsequent buyouts (and layoffs) I've been through have gone much better for me, personally, because I wasn't as emotionally involved in the company/product.
I'm at the point now where I'm in a more senior role, doing consulting, and I dgaf about the client's business or project beyond getting my work done on time and to the required quality. I start at 9, log off at 5pm, get my work done by noon, and enjoy spending more time with my kids in the summer.
Getting some gains out of it, but I'm still limited by the fact that I can't put anything proprietary into any AI tooling. Not motivated enough yet to roll my own.
For generic Q&A/searching, templating, etc, it's been a decent stackoverflow replacement.
Bluetooth speakers for music in the kitchen, attached sound system for steaming TV, over-ear noise cancelling bluetooth headphones for desk work, over-ear bluetooth ear protection headphones for shop/yard work, earbuds for shopping/etc (fuck store muzak).
all the little joys that you try to inject into your miserable existence
Related: opioid epidemics.
We did the same - bought a foreclosure at auction about a decade ago at the max we could afford, about $325k.
Now it's a $1.2 million property. We could subdivide and pay off our mortgage entirely, if we needed to.
unless you already have the money you need to launch
I've noticed this as well, from being involved in the tech startup scene on the west coast for a while. There's lots of funding and programs to expand your business, but none to help get it off the ground.
The Democrats are playing politics, the Republicans are fighting a war of extermination.