We are in the same boat about microblogging. Still using a beta version of Artemis until kbin.social is supported with the later versions. It’s very nice to have access to both threads and microblogging within a single platform.
When the Reddit migration happened, I chose kbin over lemmy because I could centralize everything into a single app, as I expected to abandon Twitter at some point (and it finally happened 2 weeks ago).
The way I see microblogging is just like Twitter. I follow people like I did on Twitter, and I can also see posts from my favorite magazines (which is nice when you start, since it is what brings most of the microblogging content until you follow enough people). I use it through kbin website, eagerly waiting for its support on Artemis :).
My microblogging experience is no where close to what I had on Twitter, but I cannot expect to catch up what I built in ~12 years of Twitter in just a few weeks.But I am pretty sure that with proper support in Artemis, and a good year building a relevant list of folks, I can get to a nice place replacing efficiently what I got from Twitter :).
Well, at some point, the issue will be addressed by Amazon. If it’s not possible to find good books anymore, they will loose money because people won’t by books from them anymore. If they don’t, someone will take the opportunity to make a « curated » platform.
It reminds me of the famous video games crash, when the stores were flooded by crappy games until Nintendo came with its « seal of quality ».
The main issue will be that independent authors will likely have a hard time to get an audience, since it’s likely that building a « curated » platform will ask entry fee to the authors.
Haha that’s exactly when I got a good computer! I was a console guy until the release of the HTC Vive, and I kept it up to date until today. Only got a Switch for Nintendo games, and waiting patiently for the remaining exclusives to release on PC (but I spend half of my play time on retro games through emulation 😅).
@mthguilb Merci :). Pour être honnête, je ne l’ai pas connu à l’époque (mais j’ai énormément joué à All-stars, bien que je n’ai fini aucun des Mario de la compil).
Super Mario World ne me faisait pas plus envie que ça au départ (contrairement à SMB3 par exemple), mais j’ai été intrigué par la vidéo d’Edward, et mon avis a un peu évolué après m’y être investi quelques heures. Je pense que je lui préférerais toujours SMB3 ceci dit, mais je tiens SMW en bien plus haute estime maintenant, je ne m’attendais pas à ça 😅.
Can you explain? Why blocking is not possible?
@niavy Je te comprends, j’ai du regarder quelques fois une soluce, certains niveaux ne sont pas très clairs (et pas de chance pour ta console :/).
I can’t justify buying a PS5 for 1 or 2 games. Still waiting for a release on PC as well. But as soon as it releases elsewhere, I will buy it :).
Thanks 👍
Can you tell me if microblogging is supported yet in the last version? (cannot try without creating an account, but I don’t want to migrate everything to a new account on artemis.camp atm).
@sparseMatrix Personally, I treat microblogging like Twitter, where I can specify a Magazine as a general hashtag so that the post can be seen by people interested to this subject (or use random when it does not fit a specific magazine).
I treat Threads as Reddit, a forum organized into different categories called Magazines (= subreddit).