Got slapped down for track limits. Missed Q3 again.
Can't teach character, sounds like a smart hard working kinda kid. Hyman 2.0 pls.
It kind of bothers me how everyone points to his record with the leafs (.678 is pretty impressive) but I can't help but wonder how literally anyone would fare with the rosters we've had. I feel like a potato could coach these guys to a winning record. Is Keefe special? I'm not convinced.
I'm mid thirties myself and games are what I grew up with and it's how I like to enjoy my storytelling. I think it's entirely lost on some people how different games are as a media. My SO and I have had chats about it and she understands that it's a whole different experience than a movie or tv and appreciates my enthusiasm for truly great games.
I can totally understand that some people just don't jive with games but I'm so grateful my SO tolerates my gaming even though she doesn't partake much herself.
I feel no pressure to stop so I don't see myself stopping gaming anytime soon. You just need to find the right one, they don't even need to like games, they just need to like you as a person.
An upgrade from "Assistant to the GM", congrats to him.
Is it bethesda that makes buggy games, or is it the bugs that make it a bethesda game? We'll find out soon enough
Haha, get em Phil! So happy for the guy, him and bozie made those old teams likeable
Maybe you would like Tunic, it's souls-like but you do not lose all your currency on death and you can adjust the difficulty in several ways