Thanks, was looking for an alternative because Sync wouldn't let me upload the image directly.
It's a hell of a lot easier to disable than it is to enable, especially if you're not disabled. It's a minor inconvenience once for us, but enabling it could be exceedingly difficult to overcome for someone else.
Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.
Bullets, even from small handguns, travel a very long distance very fast until they hit something. This is exceptionally negligent. It doesn't matter how many bystanders there were. The most common round used in handguns is a 9mm, and it travels at upwards of 1300 feet per second and can travel for miles. No one's life was in immediate danger, there was no reason to discharge a firearm in public. I've owned guns all my life and it's negligent things like this that make responsible owners and competent police look bad.
But their charge was WITH them. There was no immediate danger. If you're worried about the vehicle being tampered with, you call in another one. You don't open fire in the vicinity of a market on a Sunday. Unless something inside that vehicle is a matter of national security or someone was in it, there is zero justification for opening fire. I say this as a lifelong gun owner, this is exceptionally negligent. You do not discharge your weapon at someone, especially in public, unless there are lives in danger, especially in a populated area where you do not know who or what are further down range.
Are we not acknowledging that an agent opened fire on people for breaking into a vehicle? There's no danger to anyone's life yet a Secret Service agent just opens fire in public where, based on the article, there were likely hundreds of other citizens around shopping.
Yes, I go to restaurants every so often, and I always tip and tip well. I refuse to punish the workers for the broken system. That doesn't degrade my argument that they should be paid a living wage instead of having to rely on tips at all.
When I say customers should not feel ashamed or obligated to tip, I mean that the system should change in such a way that tips are not expected and workers are paid a living wage. The system is not currently like that, we get that. Snapping back at me over the way the system IS when we both agree on how it should be is being intentionally argumentative for no reason.
Fair enough. 😅
Your reading comprehension seems to be lacking, maybe your mom should've sent you to private school.
So we're in agreement then? Why are you lighting me up when we're clearly on the same side? You need to learn to recognize an ally and save the anger for someone who deserves it, or you'll find yourself without any allies.
Practically speaking, yes, 99.99999% of creatures wouldn't last a literal second against Bahamut, but gods in the Faerun pantheon are not omnipotent, or invincible. He could be harmed or even killed, but there are very few creatures who could do it. A large party of level 20 adventurers could possibly pull it off, but at that level they're effectively demigods in their own right.
Or Ao could just decide to replace him or give his portfolio to another lawful good god, snap his fingers, and even Bahamut would instantly pop out of existence.