we are M.A.D. 😏
Hoping the next one will be less russian friendly... Dreams can be true sometime, even if it's highly unlikely :/
they should start by laying off executives and commercials who had that veeeery bad ideas of forcing internet connection even on offline mode, forcing Ubisoft Launcher even on steam and thinking that making a game pass with just Ubisoft IP was a good idea...
Spoiler alert: those were finally not good idea at all
l'usage du gavé à bordeaux c'est un sport régional, on l'utilise à vraiment toutes les sauces (peut-être même plus que le "putain" de la vidéo XD)... Faut dire que le mot vient du Bordeluche, la vieille langue régional bordelaise, et c'est un des rares mots à avoir survecu à l'arrivée du français et à une disparition quasi complète de la langue (le seul endroit connu où le bordeluche est encore pratiqué c'est au marché des capucins et malheureusement ça se fait de plus en plus rare).
j'aurais parié sur "gavé" mais c'est trop régional XD
Je retourne manger ma chocolatine :)
c'est pas gentil de se moquer des IAs handicapées.
I increase the difficulty: any Defense analysts trying not to use "M1" or "M2" while listing American defense material in order to not be too confusing.
no joke, all I see when I see this face is hatred, a face of pur hate.
ah yes, the face that supposed to says "I love you all" in Elon Musk mind
@[email protected] the app still miss authentification as a really big feature but it's on the roadmap, I just need to be patient :P
Was that the promess they made on ghost recon breakpoint that ended with broken quests? 😏
who wanted the most to use funny mushroom? McArthur or LeMay?