I was told Jill is a shill for [thing someone doesn't like] and would go away from election, like all those people .world banned for being anti-genocide!
And god I hope they keep going and keep winning.
So when people promote voting reform and making a third party we won't be called splitting the vote and enabling Trump, right?
HalfSalsman would be happy with Neville Chamberlain in office and claim since he gave the seat to Hitler, we can't do anything to stop him and should obey quietly.
"Why should we prove the complainers and voters wrong? We should stick to the guns that made people sick of us in 2016, 2020, and 2024! Nothing will fundamentally change, and that's final!"
And they wonder why people are sick of neoliberalism and willing to listen to a lying fascist saying he'd change something, just not for the better of anyone but the 1%.
If liberals could read anything beyond memes they would be very upset.
Almost like they know their donators loves Trump's tax cuts and his policies... ~~And why Biden didn't undo any of the major ones~~
Oh they acknowledge that Republicans are fascist bigots all the time, they just keep trying to work with them. Always trying to compromise with them instead of voting against them.
But not silent on banning it, always voting no.
It's a big tent party of Chamberlains.
Literally half the shit Trump's team pulls (despite rulings saying otherwise)
Weird how the Greens who get less votes than the Libertarians in every election somehow throw the vote to Republicans, when the Libertarians: