Seems to say "within special conservation areas" rather than "the entire of the country". Quite a difference.
For comparison, try "A Day Without Billionaires" next week, where billionaires don't turn up to work.
"Oh, hey, everything's still open and everything still works".
I dare you to sell him Moscow :)
Looks like someone's been reading the Thesaurarse / Thesaurass.
You get infinite free resources during the tutorial.
I generally eat vegetarian food at home, and do need to keep an eye on my protein quantities quite often - but even so, I do feel a little like the "cheeseburger pizza" with "PROTEIN!" written all over it in the "health food" section was stretching definitions a little bit :)
Yeah, in one of the "frozen food shops" near me, I can get 4 chocolate-covered flapjacks for £1 - they're about 500 calories each, so I can get 1,000 calories for about 50p, if I need to.
This is brilliant. If this was genuinely part of their advertising, I'd probably start eating it, to protect my family from his tyranny :D
That sounds amazing. I'd love to see a photo. I'd planned a similar project with an old radio, but it's one of those things that's been on my "I'll get round to it eventually" list for 5 years :)
In English, "biro" is the generic name for what is known elsewhere as a "ball-point" or "ball pen". There may of course still be a "Biro" company somewhere, separate to that.
[Edit] I mean English as in "language spoken in England" - I'm sure some of the other "Englishes" use a different word.
I'd call it "cockney", but I'm sure someone will correct me that it isn't actually cockney - but anyway, I refer to that squawking and grunting sound you get from the "Eastenders" TV programme. Incredibly difficult to understand, and just sounds so unpleasant to me.
I'm sure they'd feel the same if they heard me speak.