I'll believe that runtime when I see it.
Yeah okay, but I didn't see that it was in a shit posting community because I was scrolling through ALL, and others seemingly didn't either.
You don't see that on real shot either
Very clever. It's the land mass, just like Eurasia.
The UK only has fuses in the first place because they use ring circuits with a much higher current limit in the fuse box, to save on copper in the walls.
Funny, Constantinople certainly isn't the Greek spelling
You can also buy packs of 15 (and 6), so thirds are possible :)
Then "more often than you'd like" surely boils down to a couple ppm instead of never, right? ... right?
I've never seen a drive that's actually smaller than advertised*, and I've seen a lot of drives believe me.
* except scammy flash drives with "2TB" firmware and 2GB flash chips
Wtf kinda society you live in?
That's quite the massive driveway, even got a second lane
I this about Ram Ranch?