I feel like they'd have harsher words for him
That's not true, this is the current version on Arch and it's a floppy.
Muffelwild - Brokkoli
No. The biggest problem with climate change is that people are profiting off it. That's it. Nobody needs to pretend that they're better in order to care only for themselves.
I don't understand. If you're overwhelmed by settings just don't open them? You don't "need" them, like ever.
You can do the same on Plasma. Switch by three-finger-swipe
So earth is basically barely wet, huh?
You can hardly argue that the lamp itself is using energy when "not a lamp" is using exactly as much energy
It would be more accurate to describe them as authoritarian communists, as opposed to the more liberal communist/socialist positions many people on here tend to hold.
Equating communism with the authoritarian dictatorships that called themselves that does a disservice to both the people living under them and everybody else that thinks late-stage-capitalism might not be that great either.
The GPU renders the map no matter if there is lighting baked in our not. It's exactly the same operation. And depending on your display tech, brighter pixels might actually use slightly less energy.
They're mid now