
joined 2 years ago

The Three Arrows of the Black Douglas

There are so many variations of this.


Don't worry it is daylight

Next adventure off to the Priory Cemetary

Some kids have an adventure in 1973 on the Isle of Wight People still talk of it today

More on the Clown / Scarecrow known as Sam of All Colors

If you are running X2 Castle Amber or any fun house module you may want to watch this one on the Haunted House Appuldurcombe on the Isle of Wight.

And do we classifier her as a Witch or a Necromancer? The Woman who lived with 92 Ghost


A Lesson In Obnoxious Gaming - The World's Greatest Paladin - The Legend of Athene. The player you don't want or maybe you do :) - watching this may make you terrified of corners.

They see Athene is in the game and they play 10x better.

Remember you don't have to send him gold in the mail. These are free tips.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Law 1 would cover say Gravity

example - my wizard will make the 4 orcs levitate high up in the air. 1pt to break Law 1 and then 4 more points for the 4 orcs. Then spend 1 more point for +1 on the roll. Level 1 Wizard so that is 3pts. 18 Int so that is +3 pts. - got the 6 pts for the spell. The GM reminds the player that every 2pts spent = 1 combat round. So your Wizard is chanelling the magic and chanting in deep meditation for 3 rounds. Someone needs to keep those Orcs off you for those 3 rounds. So the start of 3rd round, during the magic phase the player rolls - gets a 17 but has the +1 for 18. Strong Sucess the orcs levitate high up in the air. How long was not specified so just roll me a d6 for many rounds. Then gravity returns and they come falling down.

Not done yet. You broke a Law of the Universe - Roll a d20 under your Wisdom to see if you know how to appease the gods or get away with this. If you fail on a even dice roll a Zaire shows up on uneven roll a Paradox Effect in d12 days will occur with you as the nexus point. The Universe must be Repaired. So if you get the Paradox Effect. You should have a few days to make amends and cancel it out. I would suggest reaching out to a Zaire and begging for mercy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Sure Example would be Gravity makes things fall down.

My Wizard breaks law 1 with meditation and chanting. Chanelling the magic around to levitate the four Orcs 1 pt to break the law and 4pts for the 4 targets. say 1 more for a +1 on the roll. Total 6 pts of Magic - 18int for +3 pts and 3pts at Level 1 for 6 pts. But remember it is 2 pts a combat round so this take 3 rounds to do.

So up to someone else to keep them busy till the spell goes off

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago

This is why the Merchant Class and Sea Elves in BECMI Mystara are so OP

1: The reaction System

If you're using the old B/X reaction roll system, there is only a one-in-thirty-six chance that any given monster encounter goes straight to violence. Anything else gives you some room to manoeuvre: to talk, bluff, make a bargain, offer a bribe, whatever. If you want a fight you can have one, but you almost never actually have to fight. (And hell, even if they do attack, you can always just run away.) This is very different to later editions of D&D, which assumed that monsters would always attack on sight and usually fight to the death.

If you use the reaction system, then instead of the dungeon becoming a series of tactical combat challenges, it becomes a network of social challenges. What does each group want? What does it need? What can you offer them, and what can they offer you? With a bit of quick thinking and a lot of heart, you can talk your way through a dungeon much more effectively than you could ever fight your way through it.

The power of having the Darokin Diplomatic Corps Badge is not to be understimated. Yes I have authority to negotiate a trade treaty.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

Of course you can steal from White Wolf and have 2 types of Magic Free Form True Magic and Vancian (make the spells weaker) Hedge Magic

You see this in Fantasy Literature as the Hedge Mage vs the True Mage.


So on another OSR Resource I was asked about alternative magic systems for OSR Games

Long ago Conrad and Red of Spacegamer and Better Games wrote Conrad's Fantasy because some TSR Lawyers were questioning which games system the adventures they were selling where for.

So Conrad rushed up stairs to his hotel room and wrote HUGO which was later changed and expanded to become Conrad's Fantasy. He didn't have time to write a balanced and carefully crafted spell list. So he just made rules and laws for casting spells.

This lead me to some years later running a top secret game for TSR Staff. During this game a pc lassoed the moon with a magic lasso. Pulled it down to earth with Titan Strength. The rest of the party climbed aboard. I want to say this happened in 1993 it may have been 94.

Six Basic Laws of the Universe - Fantasy Game Setting

Law I - Force flows through fixed channels in only one direction.

Law II - Everything has a fixed identity whether it is fire, earth, water, or air. Earth cannot be like water and still be earth.

Law III Everything has spirit which matches its identity.

Law IV -All Planes of existence are separate and distinct.

Law V The mind is controlled by the spirit.

Law VI Something are not understood except what is, is and what has happened, has happened.

Magic is the force by which the laws can be broken. The magic user combines mystical forces to break the laws.

Break a law and face the law enforcers. Most common of which is the Zaires - Powerful Wizards who tirelessly work to see the laws are held together. Least reality collapse. They fear to many who lack training and understanding to wield magic. This will result in destruction of the universe.

Easiest way to do this in an OSR Game is to steal from Lavender Hacks Resolution System

Nat 20+ Critical Success

18+ Strong Success

8+ Weak Success

7 or less Miss

Nat 1 Critical Miss / Fumble

So only give Magic Users Spell Points at Level 1

1 point to break one Law - some magic attempts may require breaking multiple laws (up to Game Master / Ref to determine).

Additional Magic Points +1 for every point spent. up to max of +4

Say the Magic User at Level 1 gets 3pts + Int Bonus. Then +2 per level gained

As for time - Every 2pts spent equals a round of combat

Interuption of spell casting - Forcess a Save vs Magic to the Spell Caster or suffer 1d4 per spell point spent (this can be used for critical failures as well).

Recovery of Points - 1pt a day + Int Bonus


The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh -we have a princess turned into a dragon

  • another illegal use of Polymorph Spell the Laily Worm and Machrel of the Sea - Evil Stepmother turned him into a worm

The tale of Jorinde and Joringel - poor Jorinde turned into a nightingale and put in a cage by an evil olde witch.

Then there is the Nordic Legend of Skuld's Mother who went from being a hag to a beautiful DarkElven Princess to seduce our hero Helgi.

It is said in battle that Skuld could bring her dead warriors back to life.

Poor Sir Gwain forced to marry the Loathly Lady. She had tricked King Arthur to giver her what she most wanted in return she would answer his riddle that none else could answer.

Back to polymorph - mostly misused as Polymorph Self 1000's of tales of witches changing shape to commit thefts. The most common is for the the Witch to turn into a hare. In this shape they would go into the barn and suck the life out of the farm animals.

For some that was not enough. They would hop right up to a child and jump into the child's arms. To be carried into the house. Then they would suck the life out of all who lived there.

I hope this gives you some idea of how to use Witches in your game and make it up to Folktale Standards.

Have fun and stay away from hares.

Get a starter Village / Town I suggest L1 The Secret of Bone Hill and then go here

Then scatter about the follow adventures on the DM's Map work on rumors and patrons to hire the players

The Halls of Tizun Thane

Dark Tower from Judges Guild

The Abduction of Good King Despot

Isle of the Abbey Dungeon #34

B10 Nights Dark Terror

Ancient Blood - Dungeon #20

Citadel by the Sea - Dragon Magazine #78

HS4 The Forge of Ilmarinen by Jeremy Reaban

Ghost Tower of Inverness

Wandering Trees - Dragon Magazine #57

Chagmat - Dragon Magazine #63

The Shattered Circle

Can Seapoint Be Saved - Dragon Magazine #75

Tempus Gelidum – Gus L.

Forest of Doom Dragon Magazine #73

Red Tam's Bones

RC1 The Valley of Karaccia by Mithgarthr Entertainment

Under the Temple Crypt

The Ruins of the White Watch

The Lost Shrine of Sirona

The fun is seeing which ones they actually go do

Then to eventually wrap up the fun - Putting an end to it all I often combine Gone Fishing and Deep Carbon Observatory together for fun

Brood Mother Skyfortress is a must have to end things

another is The Monolith From Beyond Space and Time

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

Very nice review


Guess they will just have to eat what they kill then.

This manga and anime is a great lesson in dungeon ecology.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

I tried to recreate some of these crazy Italian cliffside coastal towns for the Mystara Campaign

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

I felt a need to get this out there. There has been some hate towards mixing adventures from different versions of D&D and the OSR together. I just think that is wrong. Their anger is misplaced.


First Disbelieve this is an 5e Adventure. It can easily be adapted to any OSR. I have ran this for Blue Hack, OSE, and Microlite 74 in the past. The encounters are simple and the puzzles not to complex. Lots of hints abound.

I like to run this with Katarina the Witch as a Neutral or Neutral Good Alignment 5th Level MU. She has a job for the PC's. Due to her receiving bad treatment from heroes in the past. She has devised a test for our players to complete first. This will be followed by a 2nd Test Quest against her rival Charani the Dark Druid. If successful at both quest she will surrender a map to the PC's. This map is for the Adventure The Lost Cache of Father Tomas by John Turcotte. It is inside Footprints #5 - which is free here on Dragonsfoot

Along with the map to the ruins of Father Tomas's Temple she will tell the players about the Chalice and Treasure. If she really trust them? She will tell the PC's the real reason the Berserkers raided the temple.

The real reason is far up to the North. Way deep in the Cold Lands lives an Unseelie Fae Baroness. She has learned that what the humans thought was just another Monstrance Holy Relic is actually a stolen Fae Magic Staff of Oberon. She hired the Berserkers to recover it for the Unseelie Court. However they never found the Cache of Father Tomas.

A few months ago Katrina learned the Unseelie Fae hired a famous Treasure Hunter to go snooping around for it. They are sure it is there somewhere. Katrina is sure if the Unseelie get this staff they will commit great attrocities and evil. Thus she has devised her test to find worthy heroes to secure it.

Katrina tells the PC's her Order of Witches has contact with High Nobles in the Seelie Court. If it is brought back they can all begin working to seal the staff away. The PC's can have everything else in the Cache. Yes even the Chalice of Father Tomas.

So to Sum it all Up We have 3 Adventures here perfect for starting a campaign.

  1. The Witch of Underwillow
  2. The Witch Katarina sends them off to cut down Charani the Dark Druid's Tree. Located somewhere deep in a swamp. (Charani 5hd Druid or Witch - Alignment Nuetral Evil) - Treat as a Lair Hunt - Guarded by various birds.
  3. The Lost Cache of Father Tomas

****Tips for running The Witch of Underwillow - drop lots of hints that the child is not real. You may have to practically tell the PC's.

****Katarina makes a great patron as a spell caster levels ahead of the players. She can provide weak potions, scrolls, and other fun items to the PC's. Potentially she could become the master for the party's MU's. Even offering membership into her order.

PS - The fun does not stop with completing the missions. The players are going to potentialy kill a powerful evil druid. Then they will gain the attention of the Unseelie Court. Not to mention rumors may end up at the camps of the Berserkers. Let's not forget they may potentially end up on the wrong side of a famous Treasure Hunter.

Tips for The Lost Cache of Father Tomas on a roll of 1-2 on a d6 Gregory sends a message to the Treasure Hunter that was here a few months ago. I would say 50% chance that Illinois Jones (7hd Thief) decides he needs to make an appearance if that happens.

Turn the Zombie Guardian on pg 7 to a Coffer Corpse hiding in a wooden box. - under geas to guard the false vault by Father Tomas.

The Kampfult on pg 8 - raise the HD to 3+1 - Monster Manual II pg 78

Most of all


[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

Stone Mason Took got my old squad addicted to the took weed sold at Stoneys in the City of Carse.

But it was to Haven the Free City we most travel - available at

But there is fun & intrigue at Barnacus Town in ye old Dragon Magazine Issue #80 Free Public Domain Now

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

Almost forgot about the ORC

Not really into the Paizo Brainwashing


watch a review of sorts

This looks to be a great OSR Village Setting in the spirt of Village of Homlet

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