Because he specified that women have to be subservient to his will, do things his way.
And again he's a misogynistic asshole.
Because he specified that women have to be subservient to his will, do things his way.
And again he's a misogynistic asshole.
All true.
The fear mongering the GOP party engages in now is unparealleled in its scope and voracity. All one has to do is mention limits on gun ownership to see the responses that start with "BUT I NEED PROTECTION!"
Not everyone is out to get you.
@FireRetardant @library_napper
Because not everyone has a cell, leaves their phone on while they're sleeping, has good reliable service, etc etc.
This is exactly the same thing as when news hits that another man has raped/murdered a woman or when a red state removes healthcare for women.
Ofc it's not all men or all citizens that are bad, but enough of them are that it causes huge problems.
Instead of saying "not all" we need to stop accepting that there are any ... because it's our problem to fix.
@gullible @MicroWave @glimse @[email protected]
I'm on an app called Megalodon, a fork of the Mastodon app. It's on both the App store and Google play.
I love it. 👍
@gullible @MicroWave @glimse @[email protected]
You were right. The downvotes are from people who've become used to AI editorship, something I abhor.
My son and I have agreed we don't discuss COVID or the vaccines because of this same thing.
@stopthatgirl7 @jeffw @Blamemeta @Kittengineer
My gawd. The idjits just crawl out of the woodwork whenever gender is mentioned.
My block button is working overtime today.