That's all urban legend. The real reason no one stays in for more than half an hour is that the lab is busy and they need their anechoic chamber. Not for some rando to just hang out inside of.
This will anger
World's coldest take
No i don't think so
It appears to be a photo of a cat stuck on top of his regular license. Easy to peel off and check.
Raw data
How, without the right kind of reader
Is this that "Gender Euphonium" that all those transfolk are trying to get?
PDF warning for those on smartphones
What is this template called? I've been trying to find the original.
Wouldn't that be pretty beneficial for your opponent in most trading card games?
I'm not convinced that AphroditeFit20 is the person in the photo. They post a lot of different fit women on their timeline.
11.5 years is certainly am outlier