Dauntless and Minecraft Dungeons
joined 2 years ago
Deswegen gebe ich bei Bestellungen in Online-Shops immer die Nummer von Frank (https://digitalcourage.de/Frank-geht-ran) an, wenn eine Telefonnummer verpflichtend ist. Die Kommunikation über die Bestellung ist ja sowieso immer per Mail.
I would not say no to a Uwe Rosenberg game.
Ja ich auch. Zum Glück gibt es Brother!
Midwinter Minis does mostly painting videos. A lot of speed painting and beginner-friendly tutorials.
Railroad Ink is a roll-and-write game in a tiny box (or multiple tiny boxes of different colors) and scales well from just one to six players.
I played a couple of rounds of Kingdomino and Railroad Ink red (without the red dice). I have not tried the red dice yet.
Automated customer service is fine as long as your customers are also automated.