Interesting points, I've definitely run into memory constraints which resulted in completely unresponsive hosts a few times over the years. But as the author said, I don't see this changing within any another of time due to the large scale archetectural changes required... The author also mentioned "I’m tempted to abandon using Windows, macOS and Linux as the main platforms with which I interact.". Does anyone know which "daily driver" compatible operating system the author could be referring to?
Yeah, the current approach globally - at least it seems to be the same in Germany - is to make the "experience", if you want to call it that, for car users worse to the point that it's worse than public transport in order to force people onto it. There are some minor improvements being made to public transport, but it's of course a lot faster to put up signs for a speedlimit everywhere or even blocking access to certain roads completely than to increase the capacity of a rail network. And as you said, this hits the already disadvantaged parts of the population more, since they more often than not have manual labor type job that requires going into the "office" everyday, that are living further from work, ...
I'd be interested to know how they're going to track this? They'd need to create some sort of fingerprint for each device, and store it together will all already installed games / software in some sort of database in perpetuity.
In the end it depends on your risk profile and adversary model. Usually it's not a good idea though. Why not have an SSH tunnel to the network/machine and use port forwarding to forward the RDP connection? Or why not use SSH for remote access, period?
Verstehe den Satz am Ende des Artikels bzgl. des verletzen Schafes nicht ganz? Klar, die Bergrettung wird vermutlich nicht das Schaf mit dem Hubschrauber vom Berg holen, aber ist doch prinzipiell gut, dass sich jemand gekümmert hat und jemandem Bescheid gegeben hat, anstatt das Tier im Zweifel einfach krepieren zu lassen. Und man kann ja auch nicht wirklich erwarten, dass der Anrufer selber erstmal den zuständigen Landwirt ausfindig macht.
As I said "WITHOUT" any custom/special map. I can enter my home address as is and the search / navigation works as expected - same as it would for gmaps, apple maps, ...
Glaube du meinst 3.9. 😅
Works fine in Germany without any Special Maps
In his forum post he commented somewhere in the thread that billet sent them a quote and they paid in full - so at least that part should be resolved. Still a massive fuckup though.
Might be for time synchronization in order to not have to rely on a public NTP server.
Might be trying to delay the execution itself since there is a shortage of the "regular" injection they use because of embargoes?