Actually it's all Java
Now that's childish
Claims to be European
Oh! instead of Oi!
Thank you, I didn't know that. I knew there was some shady history about that, but wasn't sure enough.
The games are the real thing and I don't think they'd change their name
Do not worry, really. I've been in therapy for a long time and it's my decision that I've made back in 2020. I'm absolutely sane
Imagine claiming something as stupid as the flatness of Earth.
The first group of people will try to prove that it's round.
The second group will be triggered by the explanations of the first group. They will try to prove that Earth is geoid.
The third group will see how people who claim that Earth is round are being attacked.
The fourth group of edgelords will pretend that they believe that Earth is flat.
This ritual will continue until the myth of flat Earth is created. Isn't it funny?
It's in a year
No jokes. Want my steam library?
No, stupid, it's "Tuck, criminal"
I fantasize about cutting ears and shoving it in one's mouth
Do you really think that they still have sex after what they were after?
Writing in scala doesn't make you smart