July 19, 2023
- Prep: Warm Water Wash
- Brush: Razorock Plissoft Big Bruce
- Razor: Ralf Aust 6/8
- Blade: Ralf Aust 6/8
- Lather: Barrister and Mann - Oceana
- Osma Alum: Yes
- Post Shave: Aqua Velva
Aqua Velva is good.
July 19, 2023
Aqua Velva is good.
July 9, 2023
I think the edge is soon due some refreshing. Wasn't the smoothest shave today.
July 7, 2023
First shave of the month.
June 26, 2023
June 16, 2023
Second shave with BB Lite. Impressions remain same - mild-ish razor that is very skin friendly.
The reason I didn't give you the links is because I don't want to be your first hand source of medical information. I can't answer your follow up questions, I can't clarify your confusions with the level of confidence I would like to, because I am not a doctor, not someone educated (beyond google) in topics involved here.
But my source of 'alum preference' is far from 'a doctor told me so'. More like a doctor explained my experience - why after a shave (and aftershave) if I go out, for a brisk walk, or run, or hike - the sweat affects me differently based on my alum usage or lack of. If I don't use alum, the sweat stings. Why alcohol doesn't have similar effect. what is alum doing here, that alcohol isn't doing. That question was answered by a doctor who happens to be a wetshaver himself. But he pointed me to enough documents that convinced the software/electrical engineer in me enough. But I still don't want to be someone else's first source of medical use of alum. That being said, here are some sources that mention the efficacy of alum as a vasoconstrictor or hemostatic agents.
the links I can give you are the ones can be found on google (alum + vasoconstriction). Better to talk to some folks on the sub like u/rdthedo and such who are actual doctors, and my original source.
EDIT - link to post downstream with links and such
Alum does a thing called Vasoconstriction (google or ask your doctor what it is) that a splash or balm doesn't. It repairs/closes the small cuts (even invisible ones) we get from shaving. Alcohol or which hazel aren't as good a vasoconstrictor as alum is.
Do you need it? Depends. It is all about how much you want to treat your face - even aftershave isn't mandatory. You can skip the tylenol if you have a little fever - does it mean tylenol doesn't do anything? No.
But you guys really should look up this a bit before saying alum doesn't do anything, we are at the point of spreading misinformation here.
10% off at Maggard. code 10OFFJUNE
June 12, 2023
Details about the shave can be found in my first impression post
Why you hate me, sir