might be a highway for op with a higher speed limit
I know how that feels but it’s really worth it and you deserve the support it will give you
all industrial (or “bio”) wines taste like sulfur, artificial yeast and dozens of other stuff that they add in to control the fermentation process. If you want to know how actual wine tastes like you should try natural ones.
no, it is not even an indo-european language, it has its own separate family.
I am not sure about the definition of the word but look up Georgian, 33 letters, 33 sounds. Each letter has one and only one sound, which never ever changes despite the position in the word or the surrounding letters
manjaro was terrible when I used it (several years ago), imo it is fundamentally broken. I would suggest trying a smoother arch install. I always recommend endeavoros because I had an effortless experience with it.
or its a logical result of US about to elect a pedophile rapist who has been open about disintegrating democracy. For the second time. You don’t need to doom scroll to follow such a horrific development
as i understood he has no intention of reversing the institutional damage from the Tories so he’s effectively supporting those anti welfare policies
it looks like it isn’t holding up? How are they allowed to still campaign?
thanks for sharing this, it’s really encouraging to know that I don’t have to feel the connection immediately
come on, only one out of those four is a programming language
edit (begrudgingly): ok fine, half, but still
Thank you so much for writing all this! It is extremely educating and also very concise.