Does anyone here have any experience with these in the region? What's it like?
(can you not see the text of the OP?)
my sense is that new permanent public toilets aren't being constructed anymore and we're transitioning into more of a semi-permanent portable toilet solution, but i don't know anyone involved in municipal politics who could help answer this
well, entertainment is a purpose. not to be all gambling industry apologist but i'm sure many people visiting montreal are going to have a great time losing an accounted-for amount of money on roulette while sipping cocktails and feeling fancy.
rational or not, we have a biologically-ingrained fascination with gambling like we do sugary foods and hot people, and enjoying these things are some of life's true pleasures! it's just, some are much more susceptible to it than others, which crosses the blurry line into exploitation. practical and effective regulation comes from acknowledging and working with this, not disavowal.
if i stick around here you're gonna see a lot of this contrarian liberal shrug from me.
feel pretty conflicted on this
dive bar slot machines are the only form of gambling i witness with any regularity. they're so bleak.
according to statscan, only 1-2% of canadians are problem gamblers, so maybe it's unfair of me to invoke one-armed bandits to condemn the whole industry... but since when has gambling been fair?
and so as a general rule i side with workers, but i can't say i hope that the gambling industry continues to payout forever
Yeah I feel like as biking grows in popularity we're gonna need to have some (likely frictional) process to cement new norms around speed. Realistically, this probably means cops on corners. :/