Things are going great in the states right now.
Everyday I wake up and get to find out if trump had a good or bad day yesterday by whether or not we are waging a pointless economic war against our closest ally.
America is a joke and no matter what actions we take from this point on it would be foolish for any other nation to trust our government to act rationally.
Agreed. I like the film but it feels like two movies stuck together.
One about the vampire society which is really interesting and novel. And another which is just a run of the mill “rebel faction finds the cure and restores humanity story” that you could find in any zombie film.
I sorta get it though because I think it’s a problem a lot of comments in this thread deals with. An interesting world is not an interesting story. You have this cool vampire society, but then what’s the story? I sorta get why it always ends up being the hero’s journey just in a cool world, because otherwise the comments here are “super cool world but nothing happens”