There are people who advertise that service at funerals.
I've been having this problem with a bunch of other posts! I'm so glad to know how to see all the memes I was missing.
I'm trying to imagine a social situation where everybody is being quiet and reflective instead of talking and responding like the tweet is suggesting. My mind just keeps manifesting a prayer circle or something. 😅
Or somebody telling a story, and it going like:
"And it turned out it was a freaking SHARK!"
"Uh... Is something wrong?"
"No, I'm just... Thinking about it..."
"😦 All right."
I believe they just described meditation? It's a practice where you quietly reflect by yourself. It's not big yet or anything. There might be an app about it. Idk. Hopefully it catches on.
"Choosing" is a strong word.
Isn't it their fault to begin with though? Spanish conquistadors aren't known for their positive influence on Native American peoples.
This turned out very wholesomely. I hope y'all are both doing alright.
That's the caveat right here. Most people who eat this aren't generally eating well to begin with. A lot of Americans are gonna eat a double cheeseburger and fries with a soda which can clock up to 1600 calories, then go to Baskin Robbins for dessert and have this. That's why it's entirely possible for Americans to have 5k calories in a day because that's only 1 meal and a dessert.
"If people think Kerrygold is this good, maybe I should use it when making my scones instead of Falfurrias," thought Nico de Gallo.
Read that as "Minnesota Guy".