
joined 2 years ago
[–] jadero 11 points 11 months ago (3 children)

I don't know if you missed it in the article or simply didn't read it.

The case being discussed is one in which a family moved from BC to AB. As a result, they were able to leave behind an open investigation into child abuse.

There is no formal process of warning (alerting) other jurisdictions, so they got to start with a clean slate in AB.

The judge thinks that having these warnings cross boundaries might save lives.

So literally nothing to do with the emergency alert system.

[–] jadero 6 points 11 months ago

I have a few fairly reliable signals that things are on the right track:

  • someone with bags of money is upset

  • some industry association is upset

  • some business group is upset

  • some investor is upset

I read quite a few articles like this to make sure I'm not missing too much. My heuristic isn't perfect, of course, but I've yet to find anything to suggest it needs much in the way of refinement.

[–] jadero 13 points 11 months ago (3 children)

It feels like Canadian governments have forgotten how to plan.

In a sense, they have. The civil service has been gutted to the point at which we're hiring consulting firms who delegate the actual work to the least expensive employees and subcontractors they can find.

[–] jadero 14 points 11 months ago

And jobs shouldn't count as public benefit. It doesn't matter who built the pipeline, the workers were and are necessary.

If jobs were the primary benefit, they could have been created in renewable energy industries as easily as in climate and ecosystem destroying ones.

We should be counting up the number of schools, hospitals, and publicly owned renewable energy projects that are funded by pipeline revenues.

[–] jadero 9 points 11 months ago

LeBlanc said allowing voters to cast their ballot at any polling station in their riding would require Elections Canada to adopt new technology so that a person would be removed from the voter list across the district once their ballot is cast.

Alternatively, they could trust but punish:

Don't worry about the very small fraction of people who abuse this to cast multiple ballots. Without a fairly large scale, organized effort, it's extremely unlikely for multiple votes to change an outcome under any electoral system.

Use the records collected at polling stations to identify cheaters then to throw every one of the offenders and organizers in prison and permanently prohibit any future participation in the process at all: no voting, no running, no party membership, no volunteering, no working on campaigns either directly or indirectly. Nothing, not even working as the night cleaner for an advertising agency that has political clients or a media outlet that covers or reports politics and elections in any way.

In the unlikely case that the multiple ballots are in a high enough volume to require rerunning the election, charge it to the offenders. They won't be able to pay, of course, but they'll be on the edge of poverty for the rest of their lives.

[–] jadero 1 points 11 months ago

Sure, but like it or not, that's not how people work. The people who take the time to discover and conform to the standards of a community they join will always be in the minority. If we don't account for that and take steps to reduce confusion right up front, then we just create the conditions to duplicate the toxicity that has destroyed every previous experiment in mass interpersonal communications going all the way back to BBS days.

[–] jadero 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I agree. Personally, I go instance shopping, but if federation is actually going to work in the long run for most people, community names will have to reflect their content.

[–] jadero 1 points 11 months ago

I'm thinking something by Klatuu. Loneliest man?

[–] jadero 2 points 11 months ago

Lake Diefenbaker, SK. Here, too. And people are excited! :(

[–] jadero 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Saskatchewan labour law is for meal breaks every 5 hours. Everything after the first meal break is at company expense (at least at every one of the couple of dozen employers I've had since 1974).

[–] jadero 19 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Canada deals with some of those problems by having a separation of state and medicine similar to our separation of state and church.

For example, I think we are the only country in the world with no abortion law. It's a medical procedure, so it's left to the medical community to develop standards of care and standards of practice.

It's not perfect, but it's worked out quite well since the 1980s. There were some major cases that led to our abortion laws being struck down by the courts and no government has yet had the courage to introduce new legislation of any kind.

[–] jadero 3 points 11 months ago

On the other hand, I like to know what kind of nutjobs are running around my country and what they're up to. I know that it gives them fuel, but I also have a legitimate right to know what's going on so that I can respond accordingly.

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