Jakob is super cool!! I got to meet him in person at LTX 2023, he gave me a mic and told me to start streaming :)
Crystalized honey is still good! Crystalization is a natural occurrence for honey. Just needs to be heated to be liquid again -- though some people actually prefer it crystalized because they can spread it with a butter knife
Same here, also on LI
Is there a reason why?
Looks like a great start to a new brew!! Glad to see some activity in the sub.
I really need to get into the all grain train
Damn, I didn't know it got cancelled. Was pretty exciting to see a new player in the life sim genre.
Hope this isn't the same fate that's in store for Paralives
Yeah this assumes you chose bay, and that max DIDNT learn her lesson about time travel.
Presumably these are the reasons DONTNOD didn't make a sequel, Deck Nine taking over the franchise never sat right with me
Yes but also no. I meant moreso that the owners name can only be written into a Shinigamis death note, correct?
I remember the rules saying something about it having no effect, i think
But if ownership is never transferred, since Light would know its been taken into custody, doesn't that mean that it would have no effect?
Been a while since I've consumed anything deathnote related though
Except that person is a time traveler, so they would be speaking modern English regardless
Had a hunch from the bg color: Source
Edit: Paywall Bypass