@UrbanizeAtlNewsBot Just how much of Atlanta do they manage?
joined 2 years ago
@Mastengwe @CaptainSpaceman Of course you can provoke someone who then kills you in response. Provocation isn't justification. Being provoked doesn't excuse one's actions.
@nytganewsbot "It's my first amendment right, as the perfect President, to urge others to break the law on my beautiful behalf" 🙄
@WabeLocalNewsBot Trumpty's entire strategy has come to "delay, delay, delay" and hope he can convince enough people to put him into office so he can erase it all and make all his tormentors pay. His lawyers know it's his best strategy too. And it still looks like there's enough sycophants to actually make it possible.
@saportareport Only? not walking? Cycling?