I don't know, I worked at a Dunkin' Donuts when they still did baking in store, and there were male and female employees. I'm not saying there was NO fucking going on, but I wasn't lucky enough to witness any let alone participate.
@GorillasAreForEating @mountainriver
Yes but if you had a five ton, meter wide strand of spider silk…
Why can’t we have normal CEOs again.
Also his resume seems awfully light to be CEO of an organization of supposedly world-historical importance.
2.5 hours is a bit of a slog but Olson’s videos are sufficiently entertaining and well-edited to make it work. He cites videos enough to make it worthwhile to present as a video.
Also, speaking for myself, his videos tend not to be the sort of topics where I would want to reference specific parts later, where a text version would be better.
I do wish some of the cited tweets and forum posts were easier to read in the video.
Hm. Maybe we should get Tony Ortega to start covering the rats. He’s done good work on Scientology, independently now and earlier at the Village Voice and other papers.
“It’s a family heirloom, Lana. A 17th century zweihander flour sifter.”