Don't trust bald guys
I interpret it as "I don't give a fuck about it, and I'm so calm about it that I can literally have flowers on my dick and bees around it and I'll be safe, I'm a Buddha of fucking calmness about this situation, I'm one with nature and the planet".
You know, bees attack you only if you do some violent movements. I'm overthinking it, but I agree from the bunch it's the one that stands out. So poetic.
The sausage would then go across your ass? Both kinda referring to a turd?
you also agree that England has de most English version of the language too?
nadie en el sur del continente dice eso
It sucks me (as in fellatio) an egg (testicle).
It sucks my dick.
I care a crow's nest (as in ships)
I care a turd.
I care a shit.
(Spanish again, we are creative people, as someone pointed out, the New World is way more colorful than Spain)
Money and working for it stop making sense immediately, so nobody works at anywhere, no services are going to be in place unless the workers are somewhat bored.
Without service workers, how fast do you think you would go? You will always be in the same city? Can you learn to fly a plane to eventually reach another place? Can you learn to fly a Boeing by yourself to travel farther? No fucking security regulations anywhere baby.
You can go a full day without eating or drinking much water, so maybe some days you eat, some you don't. After few loops, crime rises, and it can't be really punished, but people will remember criminals and what they did, so the next day a bunch of the affected can kill the criminal for the day, until they no longer want to do it.
How Groundhog Day rules would apply here? Everyone wakes at the same time? What happens if some go to sleep earlier and some try to be wake as many days as possible, until their inevitable death?
Most interesting thing is that no real danger would exist, and no real consequences, as the static world resets, but the collective memory of people would survive.
It looks hentaish, there is too much fan service?
The one after beta is release candidate, after that you get stable
Noted, high voltage is potato energy.