TempleOS, huh? Better give it a try then.
I can confirm OPs experience. There's been a lack of HRT meds in my country so I've used EU-abolit three times so far for estradiol patches and I have no complaints. Tests show I have about the expected hormone levels for the dosage I use and the patches look very much like the real thing. The wire transfer process requires me to phone the bank to set it up which is a bit of a hassle but otherwise it has worked well.
The experience may differ for transmascs of course.
I don't think it's a render. Looks a lot like Gothenburg to me. Pic is on a bridge that few people walk on, especially as late as sunset. Both the bridge and the building is pretty new so might be why it looks clean. Not saying the pic isn't manipulated, but it doesn't look all that off to me, but I don't know shit about photography.
German is Fledermaus if I remember correctly, so Flittermouse seems to be Germanic in origin, as is the Swedish word, fladdermus. Etymology is interesting, but I know next to nothing about it. Guessing is fun, though. If I'm wrong here, I love to be educated.
I get why bat is preferred as the Germanic versions are more than a little clunky and not nearly as cool or scary sounding. Here comes the amazing Flittermouseman! Villains beware!
Raspy voice "I am Flittermouseman".
I you make your own, there is no risk for blindness. Blindness comes from methanol, not ethanol. If you use a yeast based process to produce the alcohol and then distill it, there is no way to accidentally produce methanol in that process. The cases where people get blind or die from moonshine stems from when the feds replaced moonshine with methanol to be able to make that claim and disrupt the business of organized crime during the prohibition. There are still cases now and then where people try to make drinkable alcohol from some industrial base and don't know how to.
TLDR: Don't buy, make.
Temple OS is an impressive feat for a lone dev, no argument there, but it is hardly an amazing piece of tech because of it. It is a barely functioning skeleton OS that looks like it was made in the eighties. There's only the barest minimum of token apps available and there's a breaking lack of basic features. The main selling point is of course the bible-related crap but that hardly makes it "amazing tech" or even unique.
This makes me suspect that what you are actually defending is christianity and you take affront to the use of a christian symbol to exemplify mental illness. Sure, the dev had issues, but how many people knows this? Luckily you are here to point out that it is the dev that was mad, his christian OS is a fine thing actually and has nothing at all to do with madness. Please use Ubuntu Satanic edition to convey madness in future memes.